Planting trees for a better tomorrow

Headquartered in Sunny Southwest Florida

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Future Forestry Featured in Recent Videos:

Take in an aerial perspective of Future Forestry’s recent project: planting 1500 slash pine saplings along Veterans Memorial Pkwy. In mid-June, volunteers coordinated the planting of these saplings on the berm between Skyline Blvd and Santa Barbara Blvd. Discover the transformation brought about by this green initiative!


Creating an amazing urban forest in Cape Coral, Florida
Volunteer Today!

Our Mission

In the 1960’s and 70’s Cape Coral, Florida was cleared of most of the natural tree canopy for the development of residential lots.
The process of digging canals to raise the average elevation disrupted the area’s natural foundation and soil.
Our mission is to rebuild the forest canopy and in the process clean the air, water and make a great home for other native plants and animals.


Create the Forests of Tomorrow

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is today! Trees cool the earth and streets around them. This is South Florida, everyone could use some more shade and breaks from the heat!


Improve Water Quality

Trees improve water quality by slowing rain as it falls to the Earth, and helping it soak into the soil. They also prevent soil from eroding into our waterways, reduce storm water runoff, and lessen flood damage. They serve as natural filters to protect our streams, rivers and lakes.

Kyle Daniels

Survey Team Leader

Clean the Air

Trees absorb greenhouse gases (carbon, dioxide, nitrogen oxide) ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.


Create a Thriving Habitat

Trees provide shade that is necessary for keeping animals from the heat and protecting them from predators. Trees help support the entire food chain in a variety of ecosystems.

Sustainable Development Goals
Future Forestry’s mission also touches many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and we are focused on four areas where our work has the potential to drive significant progress in our communities.
Clean Water & Sanitation
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Life on Land
Join the Movement

Planting Partners

These fine organizations have helped enable our planting projects over the last several years.

Plant with Future Forestry